Saturday, February 7, 2015


A couple of months ago we were all going for a drive and we stumbled on this group of bull elk. Aren't their antlers amazing! They are huge! Every evening they come down from the mountains to eat at some of the pastures just a few miles outside of town. We go out there around dusk and see them almost every weekend. Hunter LOVES going and seeing the elk.
 They would spar with each other a lot, which was really cool to see. I was surprised at how loud it was!
 Another weekend we went out when it was snowing. One of the few times it has snowed here this year. :( They were bed down in a pasture just along side the road. Not scared one bit.
Here is a video I shot. Hunter is narrating, so be sure to turn it up.
The elk feeding station on the other side of town is now open. So we will be going out and checking that out soon. There are literally hundreds of elk out there, so it will be fun for Hunter to see that. We have gone out with him the last two years but he was too young to understand, so we are excited to take him this year because he loves deer and elk! In fact, in the mornings he often chooses documentaries on deer over his cartoons. Do you think he is his father's child? :)

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