Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Last weekend we headed out to a local farm that was hosting a harvest festival. This was the first time we had been to this particular farm, and we will be going back! It was SOOO much fun!
They had turned that silo into a little restaurant and were serving hot dogs and hamburgers out of it, super cute. The center had toys and games and off to the right is the gift house and where you can sign up for hay rides. Not in the picture is a play area with hay bales and slides and then off in the distance in the back is the pumpkin patch. It was great to just let Hunter run!
Oh yeah, did I mention the petting zoo? Hunter wasn't a huge fan....
Don't you just want to eat him up?!?!
Another shot coming from the other direction, as you can see, Hunter was having a good time.
They had little water spouts set up to race rubber duckies. Hunter just liked playing with the lever.
Here are the hay bales with slides attached. Like I said in the past post, he LOVES to slide, so we spent a lot of time at this station.

Of course he wanted to go on the highest one, and yes, that is me holding his hand. I let go for him to slide down though!!
They had a bin set up with tons of corn kernels and kids had to dig for candy. Hunter had a hard time only choosing 2 pieces of candy, but we did. We are ones to follow the rules ya know.

That baby was putting pressure on him to choose fast...
Hunter was obsessed with this little house. He just thought it was so funny and played in it for a long time.
"My house"
This was cool, it was like an excavator (I think that's right...). Mike played on it after Hunter was bored with it, he won't admit it, but he did. he he he
Hats required to be in this club.

Have I mentioned how much I adore him lately? We had a ton of fun on the hay ride. Hunter wanted to drive the tractor though...
Punkin' Patch! So many to choose from!

"Dis one Dad"
He's a big helper. We only had to pick up the pumpkins off the ground about a half dozen times.

And then finally Dad just took over...ha!
Don't they look nice in front of our house! As you can see, I picked out a few more.
We had a WONDERFUL time. It was a gorgeous day, almost a little hot out, and we played around at the farm for a couple of hours. Fall is my favorite time of year!

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