Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rodeo Parade

It seems like September has gotten away from me, and I still have more posts from Labor Day Weekend! So we left off with a post about the hoedown, so naturally that weekend we went to the Rodeo Parade. We always have a lot of fun and Hunter loves seeing all the trucks and horses. It is also nice because we just walk to it, it starts just down the hill from our house.

On the way we ran into this guy! Wellington, Central Washington University's mascot. I actually work with "him" a lot, doing publicity for various things. So it was cool to see him and for Hunter to get a picture. He was a little hesitant, but eventually warmed up to him!
 This picture is for my Mom. She is to West Highland Terriers as I am to Corgis. Enough said. :)
 And it starts!
 Hunter LOVES firetrucks, so this was an especially exciting part.
 Clydesdale's are so cool
 I tried to take a picture with Hunter, but he couldn't take his eyes off the parade.
 I am pretty sure he first noticed the horses, and then the pretty girls. He got bashful when one waved to
 There's Wellington! Hunter was more excited for the firetruck than Wellington. Been there done that.
 The CWU student body president came over to say hi and give Hunter some candy. Hunter was shoving candy in his face the entire time. Needless to say I was a gooey, sticky mess by the time we Last parade he was still pretty little and just liked seeing the horses, this parade he was running to get candy the entire time and waving to all the pretty girls....*ugh. What will next year's parade bring??
 Marching band!

 The Kittitas County Search & Rescue was in the parade. A rescue dog came over to say hi. I am pretty sure he smelled the candy that was all over me.....
 That is our neighbor, Adam.
 Ronald McDonald! It was funny, and all Hunter kept saying was "purple monster." I guess with a name like Grimace, what do you expect.
 My boys. Hat is required to be in that club.
 This one's for you Aunt Cammy! Representing Astoria, OR!
 Love him!
 This picture cracks me up, Shriner guy and Hunter waving at each other.
 I'll trade you my hat for your sunglasses.
 Joe Cool.
 "Where's the candy?"
"Here it is!" Ugh, yes, that is a huge box of candy. The guys was like, "Take as much as you would like." Thanks Dude...I am assuming you don't have kids. Needless to say, not much of a nap that day. :) Oh well, Hunter had a great time, and we did too!

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